
Disclaimer Chalet La Marmotte

This page was last modified on 04/11/2021.

On this page, you will find the legal notices of www.chaletlamarmotte.fr and chaletlamarmotte.nl, as provided by Chalet La Marmotte. In this disclaimer we state the condition under which we offer the information to you on our website.

Intellectual property 

The information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute, use or misuse this information. You may reuse information from this website only in accordance with mandatory legal provisions. Reuse of text, photo material or other material on this website is prohibited without the express written permission of Chalet La Marmotte. The intellectual property belongs to Chalet La Marmotte.

No guarantee of correctness

Where applicable: For the prices stated on our website, we endeavor to reflect the reality and the prices envisaged as accurate as possible. Errors that occur and are recognizable as programming or typing errors, never constitute a reason to claim or assume a contract or agreement with Chalet La Marmotte. Chalet La Marmotte strives to have a website that is as up-to-date as possible. If, despite these efforts, the information or content on this website is incomplete or incorrect, we accept no liability in this regard.

The information - both textual and visual - of this site is offered without any form of guarantee and / or claim to accuracy. We reserve the right to modify, delete or republish these documents without notice. Chalet La Marmotte declines all responsibility for the information to which we refer via hypertext links.


If this disclaimer changes, you will find the most recent version of the www.chaletlamarmotte.fr and chaletlamarmotte.nl disclaimer on this page.

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